This page is dedicated for online application Trade Assessment/Final Assessment
for APR-Aviation Training Centre's TAMEs only.
Kindly read the details below before applying online for the Trade Assessment.
1) Effective 17 August 2018, applications for 1st sitting of any Trade Assessment & Final Assessment must be made via online application and by the TAME himself/herself.
2) Please refer to the Schedule for Trade Assessment Session for available dates and times.
3) Unless otherwise advised, all 1st sitting Trade Assessments will be conducted on every Monday and Tuesday only, except on the last week of the month.
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday will be utilised for subsequent sittings and Final Assessment sessions.
The last week of the month will also be utilised for subsequents sittings and Final Assessment sessions.
No Trade Assessment will be conducted on a public holiday.
Each session will be at 9.30 am or at 2.30 pm / 3.00 pm (on Friday).
4) A penalty of RM 100.00 will be imposed for no-show or cancellation less than 3 days prior to a confirmed Trade Assessment.
5) A single Trade Assessment must be completed within 6 months.
Step-by-Step Process;
STEP 1 : Apply online and you will receive an auto-generated message with a copy of your application
STEP 2 : You will receive an email from the Program Department stating whether your application is 'CONFIRMED', 'PENDING PAYMENT' or 'NOT SUCCESSFUL'.
If 'CONFIRMED', you are good to go with your Trade Assessment !
If 'PENDING PAYMENT', you must pay Assessment Fee as per invoice generated.
If 'NOT SUCCESSFUL', it is either the session has been booked by another candidate, or you are not eligible to apply due to DCA Exams, Logbook or payment issue.
STEP 3 : An auto-generated reminder will be sent to your email address 1 day before the scheduled Trade Assessment.
STEP 4 : Once your Trade Assessment/Final has completed (Satisfactory), you will receive a congratulatory email from us !
Refer the Trade Assessment schedule. 'Coloured Box' = Available. Need more information? Read the FAQ.